The travelogue, from the extime to transmedia : field notes in artistic form and in SHS
« Le carnet de voyage de « l’extime » au transmédia », Pascale Argod, Canal Psy, n°99 « Voyager, partir, (se)découvrir », Trimestriel de l’université Lumière de Lyon 2, n°99, janvier-février, mars 2012 (4 pages).
Since 1999, the first Biennial Book Travel Clermont-Ferrand is in an “ethics and aesthetics of travel” to which we could joust the encounter with the Other and Cultural Diversity: Make a travel book, is to take the time to listen, to feel, to observe. It is traveler pass status to that of discoverer. And that changes everything in exchange and outlook on others. As such, the book is also a great travel support for strengthening an ethical travel that replaces the urgency and a priori tolerance and respect. It allows you to pass judgment in the analysis. ”
The term “safar” according to the artist expresses Stefano Faravelli’s own book travel is the unveiling of the self, the other and the world. Communication medium, it can meet with each other through the universal language of art and design. It opens with the observation of the world and practicing meditation in the eye and initiating a search for meaning and authentisme. Paradoxically, in a world of flux and movement, the travel book revives the scarcity of evidence become work of art: the privileged reader discovers only see the original look of an artist in a country, the diary of artist is revealed to the public preferred reading. The graphics give a more artistic and poetic journey that single use of photography but also more authentic. Also the travelogue represent a materiality of travel in a globalized world and virtual memory as the journey continues, aesthetic, poetic. Taste for personal expression is the reflection of the scrapbook or blog that promotes the mosaic composition specific to the composite image travelogue.
The notion of “the extime” (outer-inner), or exploration of supplication-out-in was made by Michel Tournier about his book Extime Journal, published in 2002 in The Musardine and is transferable to book journey that educates as much to look at intercultural. This log book is similar to extime reason which flows counter days, local news and events personal and social. The carnettistes often hold sketchbooks on their lives and on the news. Michel Tournier said. The journey conducive to introspection creates the urge to write this intimacy connected to the outside, as inserted in a dialectic of communication with the Other, which then returns different to oneself, to one’s own culture in the gap with Other and its mode of thought abroad. For Gaston Bachelard in his Poetics of Space [1], “outside and inside form a dialectic of quartering.” Serge Tisseron extimacy defines as “the movement that pushes everyone to put forward an intimate part of his life, both physical and psychic” or “overexposed.” This notion of extime was also mentioned by Lacan, Michel Butor and André Malraux through “exploration” and “supplication”. The inner and outer relationship studied by Gaston Bachelard in his Poetics of Space, nurtures creativity and expression by comparing the self to the other, the other refers to his experience. Antoine philippe [2] defines also the travelogue of the nineteenth century as a writing me as well as the world. The walk of the Romantics is defined as a way of being in the world, but especially to see to say in this combination that creates a paradoxical space where inside and outside merge. Space Blog by Anne Kerebel [3] plays this externality and the travel book that speaks of intimacy and openness to the horizon of the world and the other appears to be similar.
[1] Poetic space. Gaston Bachelard. PUF, 1972. (Chapter IX, The dialectics of outside and inside, p.191-207).
[2] and in undifferentiated Outside: walk. Philippe Antoine. The extime / intimate. A. Mura-Brunel, F. Schurewegen. CRIN, Journal of Research of the Dutch Institute of French Language and Literature, 41, Amsterdam-New York, 2002.
[3] intimate Keyboards: online newspapers as a new space of intimacy? Anne Kerebel, RiLUne, No. 5, 2006, p. 107-120.