From the digital travelogue diary to a transmedial experience: research article

From the digital travelogue diary to a transmedial experience: Pascale Argod, The second issue of the magazine, Échappées, revue annuelle d’art et de design – recherche – research entitled Graphic design and multimedia – uses and users in the digital age of the l’École supérieure d’art des Pyrénées Pau Tarbes, May 2014.

The mobility of digital creation produces a transfiguration of the relationship to space, mostly of physical movement and journey evolving into a virtual space shared between flow and interaction, sometimes to a poetic creation by imagination and by digital mobility. The travelogue challenges the territoriality linked also to another travel time between restraint and flow passage. The question of status of the work “Travelogue diary” questions the system of this art. How can one experiment rendering the journey of the artist in a digital period? From the writing to the screen, the travelogue diary seems to undergo generic and mediatic mutations: from a travel album designed and drawn and from an audio-visual documentary to a hybridity of combined media and new forms of mediati (blog, streaming, e-pub …). The hybridity of the genre makes it necessary to create a typology that can differentiate between multimedia and digital travelogue diaries based on several criteria. From a Travel Blog or “blog-reporting” to Web documentary, the transgression of boundaries between documentary and fiction would thus be seen as the “trademark” of the travelogue diary which might tend towards the concept of virtualization of journey.

See the full article on the website of the online magazine:

Pascale Argod

Enseignante PRCE à l'université de Bordeaux (INSPE d'Aquitaine) et chercheuse au sein de l'équipe du MICA (2246 - Médiation, information, communication, art) de l'université de Bordeaux Montaigne, requalifiée en SIC (2010 - 2024 par le Conseil national des universités), Docteur en sciences de l'information et de la communication.

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