The benefits of touristic communication through graphic arts : diary of heritage

The benefits of touristic communication through graphic arts : diary of heritage

An expressive scene through the prism of the mobility of artists and travelogues

Communication symposium cultures of travel: Mobility and requalification of places and territories, 5th Rendezvous Cultural Geography, Ethnology and Cultural Studies in Languedoc-Roussillon – University of Nîmes – June 14-16, 2012.

The phenomenon editorial travel book, visual expression of the mobility of artists and artistic culmination of a process from the trip, probably due to its advantages such as proximity media, the emotion, the return to Children and resemblance to reality. Proof of experience, testimony of hand gestures and body therefore, sketch offers a timeless impression mark the page and report its seal of authenticity. So how is development of a culture in motion graphics, album, websites and travel blogs? what is its influence on redefining media sites? What is the issue of communication and promotion of tourism? Tourist travel drives travelogues preclude travel non-standard authors carnettistes?The travel is it the medium of creative and innovative tourism, and other forms of rewarding travel experience? The aesthetics of the mediation tourism is a long standing issue since the veduta [1] of the seventeenth, pictorial memory of the Roman city, and the passion for postcard memories shared on the site, however, with the travelogue The notion of testimony from a trip exception, original and unique tourism stakeholders requires the provision of an “other” travel or travel-oriented Other, authentic, experiential and creative. Redefining media sites to play through an enhancement cosmetic plastic to enhance tourism experience and authentic. The advantages of this redefinition would be based on five characteristics of this approach traveler claiming to be “non-tourist” and that the trip would be a “philosophy of mobility”

– A different relationship to time and travel: stay long hours in a place to observe and make a report drawn (/ instant photography), living a journey “non-tourist”.

– An intimate journey quest: gold production notebooks is made mostly by foreign travelers passing through. The travel is it the purpose of a quest?Which one?

– A fragmented and distorted vision: the carnettiste is a Western traveler influenced by his cultural codes of foreign countries he visits and whose stay is often reduced to one month in the country’s vision is fragmented and distorted or exaggerated .

– The valuation of travel as a means of learning and authentic travel or solidarity as a means to explore the world and meet the other, away from tour operators.

– The notion of testimony and lived experience through the journey: it is indeed to accept the loss of the melee with his land and his place of origin, the scenery and the change in the benchmark time and space and to distance (see the “look away” by Claude Levi Strauss)’s own group and culture to confront other habits that could undermine its representations and opinions, even his own culture.

[1] Painting a detailed cityscape or panorama landscape that appeared in Flanders in the sixteenth century with Paul Bril. Flemish painting of the seventeenth century specializes in urban view as “The sight of Delft” by Vermeer.

Pascale Argod

Enseignante PRCE à l'université de Bordeaux (INSPE d'Aquitaine) et chercheuse au sein de l'équipe du MICA (2246 - Médiation, information, communication, art) de l'université de Bordeaux Montaigne, requalifiée en SIC (2010 - 2024 par le Conseil national des universités), Docteur en sciences de l'information et de la communication.

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